
Showing posts from January, 2019

Split Person (Last Part)

     Split Person J. N. Cloutier      The next day, Nicole was going through her phone contacts. "Oh! Nate? Maybe I'll text him," she thought happily. "But, wait. I should let him text me first. I'll call Therese!" As soon as she decided to let the boys chase her, and not the other way around, a text came in. hey, it's Nate😃 hey! I was just thinking ab u😏 Oh, ya? yeeaahh...😊 so... u wanna do something 2gether tnt? yes! definitely:) give me a min so I can ask my father... ok😎      She padded softly down the hallway. Stepping into her father's room, she hesitated. Even though it was only 5:30pm, her father came in, smelling of smoke and alcohol. He stumbled in his room as soon as he entered the house and had stayed sleeping ever since. She prayed that would continue. Her keen eyes noted a partly burned newspaper in the trash can by his bed (it sat right next to the nightstand).  Quietly, she stalked o

Split Person Continued...

(Sorry this took so long, everyone) Split Person J. N. Cloutier (To   remind you of how it ended)...      In her room, she lay on her bed. just when she was starting to get used to this place, fit in, and find friends they had to move. She did not know this, but the move would take a huge toll on her. She would be affected in ways that were only dreamt of. But dreams can be reality...can't they? .  .  .  .  .      The sun was shining as Nicole walked to the counseling center. "I'm only going because Therese told me I should," she told herself. " I'm just experimenting. " The nightmares had gotten more detailed and scary over the few weeks they had lived in  Asheville . Therese, who had moved around the time Nicole had, was a new friend Nicole had gained. The girls got along right away and shared a lot of things in the first few days of summer. They had clung onto each other as lifebuoys amidst the storms of life.

Split Person

Split Person J. N. Cloutier      Out of breath, she stopped. Although he was gaining on her, she could not get herself to continue running. "I give up," she thought. "There's no way that he will not take me." Defeated, she turned to face her attacker. Wait.      Maybe...just maybe she could grab a stick nearby and swing it at him. It would definitely do some damage. She could knock his knees or hit his head. Possibly. It was worth a shot.      The masked man was now within a few feet of her and an evil grin played on his face. Quickly, like a squirrel frantically gathering nuts, she leap for the stick and returned to her spot. The man advanced with a greedy look. He soon reached her; she swung... .  .  .  .  .      Nicole sat up on the small couch. This dream was nothing new; it never failed to remind instill an alert feeling within the depths of her being. She could never grasp its meaning or understand why she had this horr