Abba's Heart
"Just as a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him." (Psalm 103:13) Where does the word "compassion" come from? What is its origin? In the mid-14th century, compassion literally meant "suffering with another." Isn't that so true? God suffers with us; He doesn't leave us alone. Too often, however, we feel like He does. Our minds tell us He has left us, abandoned us, forsaken us... How come we do this to ourselves? Is it that we are afraid of love or be loved? Or we just don't fully comprehend what love is? I just came back from a conference that Matt Lozano spoke at. He was talking about the Heart of God our Father. Something he said that resonated with me was this: "We all have questions that can be answered by God only. These questions include 'Daddy, do you love me?' 'Am I beautiful?' and 'Do I have what it takes?' " Have you ever as...