
Showing posts from April, 2019


  The Annual Diocesan Youth Conference is a weekend-long event for high-school youth. DYC brings together high school youth from around the Diocese for a theme-centered weekend of workshops, led by youth and adults alike, keynote speakers, entertainment, daily Mass, Adoration of Our Eucharistic Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, and Confession, all time to grow in the Catholic faith.   Mission Statement We, the youth of the Diocese of Charlotte, commune together amidst spiritual warfare, trusting that God will redeem our brokenness and bring us from darkness into light. We choose to pursue a life purposefully for Christ by endeavoring to bring hope to the despair of present day reality. By partaking in this conference, we will seek with fortitude, prudence, and love to bring joy into the world by Enlightening the Darkness. Registration and Cost Information For DYC

Reflection On The Passion

Who would you have been when Jesus was arrested and killed? Judas? The man so lost and confused that he believed that by handing over Jesus, his truest friend, he would be helping him. The man who thought Jesus would defend himself, prove he was innocent... The man who believed that this would cease all accusations against Jesus. The man who was devastated to see that Jesus did the opposite. The man who was so filled with shame and brokenness that he decided that he was not worthy of God's relentless mercy. The man who swallowed his tears and vowed that he would kill himself. The man who decided that he was a waste of oxygen. Peter? The man who believed he would give his very life for his best friend. The man who fell asleep at the hour of Our Lord's agony. The man who never heard the cry of his best friend as he suffered. The man who was not there to comfort Jesus while he sweat His Precious Blood. The man who, filled with passion and trying to defend Christ, sli

A Perfect, Willing Sacrifice

This is a story of repentance and true contrition... The Repentant Lord SONGS TO LISTEN TO: The Sacrifice - Bob Fitts He's My Son - Mark Shultz My Jesus - Todd Agnew Why - Michael Card You Love Me Anyway - Sidewalk Prophets Perfect Love - (Mary's Song) Making All Things New - The Passion of Christ Reminder: The Divine Mercy Novena begins today. (I'll be posting more tomorrow) *OMADG*

You Are His Treasured Temple

Woah.  That is really  intense to think about. Christ, Lover of our souls, the complete embodiment of all that is beautiful and true, cherishes us. Webster's dictionary defines cherish as the following: a) to hold dear; to feel or show affection for           b) to keep or cultivate with care or affection: nurture to entertain or hold harbor in the mind deeply and resolutely It then states the word's synonyms which include "appreciate," "value," "prize," and "treasure."  (Now, I know this may seem like a lot of useless information, but stay with me...) The Latin root of the word "cherish" is carcus, meaning "dear, costly, beloved ."       Have you ever thought yourself as beloved by Christ? Have you ever felt priceless to Him? Have you ever accepted the truth behind this: "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give