You Are His Treasured Temple


That is really intense to think about.

Christ, Lover of our souls, the complete embodiment of all that is beautiful and true, cherishes us. Webster's dictionary defines cherish as the following:
  1. a) to hold dear; to feel or show affection for           b) to keep or cultivate with care or affection: nurture
  2. to entertain or hold harbor in the mind deeply and resolutely
It then states the word's synonyms which include "appreciate," "value," "prize," and "treasure." 

(Now, I know this may seem like a lot of useless information, but stay with me...)

The Latin root of the word "cherish" is carcus, meaning "dear, costly, beloved." 

     Have you ever thought yourself as beloved by Christ? Have you ever felt priceless to Him? Have you ever accepted the truth behind this: "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

     On Thursday, I was talking to a priest friend about confession. Earlier in the week, my family and I were debating how those who had committed serious sins got the grace to go to confession. The summary of my argument was this:

"The Catechism says that mortal sin separates us from Christ, but the bible says that: "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38-39)." In order to go to confession, one needs God's grace. Therefore, they need to ask God for it, He needs to give it, and they need to receive it. So, if we are separated from Christ when we commit mortal sins, how can we be completely separated from Christ if we need to go to Him to receive grace? He must not completely turn His back on us if He gives us the grace to go to confession."

     As I spoke to the priest about this, he smiled and told me something that I will most likely never forget... He said, "Notice that in Romans it mentions external things. It is saying that nothing but our own sin can separate us from Christ. Think of it like this: When we commit venial sins, He remains in us; however when we commit mortal sins Christ leaves our souls. He is now internally separated from us. When someone goes to confession with only venial sins on their souls, Christ Himself brings them. But, when one needs to go to this sacrament to confess a mortal sin(s), they are carried by either the saints or angels or they are prompted to go by another person. Then again, because we do not know for certain, Christ Himself may carry them to the sacrament. But when one has a mortal sin on their soul, He is carrying them externally because the individual's soul is no longer a safe place for Him. When one commits only venial sins, Christ carries them internally."

     The thought of Christ leaving one's soul because they either were angry to a point where it became mortal (an example the priest used) or something else deeply saddened me. Does it sadden you?

.  .  .  .  .

     Recently, I was talking to God and asking (okay... pleading) Him to do something for me. I wanted to feel His love, His desire for me. Fervently, I prayed for a sign. I continued walking in the woods and began to feel disappointed because I saw, heard, felt nothing.

Oh! How demanding and impatient I was (and still can be...).

     Sighing, I resolved to wait with patience and hope. Walking deeper into the woods, I came upon one of my favourite spots. There, I did not see anything crazy amazing. I did not hear Christ's voice. What I did see and hear, however, was what I heard every day. I saw the beautiful trees and the leaves on the ground. I heard the birds singing and the breeze casually whistling through the trees. But what I felt... Oh, I felt His love.

     I looked at the incredible world around with new eyes. Before this, I had been able to become blissfully lost in creation. Now, though, I was enraptured and transported to a whole other realm it seemed. No more was I walking on a lightly trodden path. Instead, my feet wandered across the forest floor that had brought to life so many majestic trees and plants. No more were the birds "only" singing, but they were joyfully praising their Creator.

     The feelings that filled my heart and soul were almost unexplainable. Through God's creation, I felt His unfathomable love for me. One of the ways I feel appreciated and loved is simply by receiving a flower. As I strolled on, once again lost in the world around me, I came upon a daisy.

(this is literally my favourite flower of all time)...

     Just as I was about to pick it, I decided not to. I knew and felt that He loved me and honestly I wanted proof this happened. But I felt that leaving the flower there was a way to say how much I loved Him. 




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