
Showing posts from May, 2019

The Woman

Happy Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima!!!        I began this post with a determination to capture Mary's beauty, life, and purity. However, as soon as I started typing, I realized that I could not do her justice... (Then, my friend reminded me that no one on earth really can either so I felt better:) She cannot be labeled or defined by mere words from our dictionary. Phrases and words cannot or even come close to describing her very essence. Rather, she is so much more.     A word continues to reappear in my head and it is this: captivating. Mary is captivating . She is a mystery . ... and aren't all mysteries an intrigue?      Some people think of Mary as a gentle, humble, selfless, and perfect human. This is most definitely true; however, the thoughts may progress to something along the lines of "she didn't have fun." Personally, I cannot imagine a life with Mary that would not have at least some fun. She is an optimist and has a p

Faithful Servant Retreat June 16 - 21

Hey guys! I have not posted in a while. So, before I forget, I want to share a little something about an amazing retreat coming up! (p.s. DYC was incredible).  I will be posting tomorrow, but wanted to tell you all about this:) (see bottom to learn more...) What is Faithful Servant? Faithful Servant Catholic Leadership Institute is designed for high school aged youth and adults who work with them.  It combines a wide variety of learning modalities, including visual, verbal, logical, physical, and aural.  Regardless of participants’ ultimate vocational call, Faithful Servant provides a foundation of insight into discipleship coupled with proven life skills.  Some of the topics covered during the week include: Christian Leadership and Leadership Styles Communication Skills Negotiation and Consensus Building Morality – Natural Law Group Dynamics The New Evangelization Eucharist – Our Source and Summit The History of Faithful Servant in the C