The Woman
Happy Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima!!! I began this post with a determination to capture Mary's beauty, life, and purity. However, as soon as I started typing, I realized that I could not do her justice... (Then, my friend reminded me that no one on earth really can either so I felt better:) She cannot be labeled or defined by mere words from our dictionary. Phrases and words cannot or even come close to describing her very essence. Rather, she is so much more. A word continues to reappear in my head and it is this: captivating. Mary is captivating . She is a mystery . ... and aren't all mysteries an intrigue? Some people think of Mary as a gentle, humble, selfless, and perfect human. This is most definitely true; however, the thoughts may progress to something along the lines of "she didn't have fun." Personally, I cannot imagine a life with Mary that would not have at least some fun...