Love Story

     The word "lent" comes from the Germanic root meaning "spring." This is shocking to me because I thought its meaning would be defined as penance or sacrifice. However, this is not the case (as far as I know). This makes me wonder if Christ is telling us something by the origin of this word. It is almost as if He is re-emphasizing that "joy comes in the morning" (Psalm 30:5).

     Although Lent is a time of meditation on the Passion of Christ, it is not only meant to stir in us feelings of remorse but deep gratitude as well. We should be thankful that a beautiful, perfect, selfless Being would offer his life for sinners.

     I mean, look at us. I am not trying to say that we are miserable, no-dignity creatures... but look at us. We are so broken, lost, confused, hurt, anxious, stressed, calloused... Yes; we are undeserving of God's love but He gives it freely. Let that thought caress your wounded heart.

     Here is a little song I wrote, but have not finished yet... Maybe you will find understanding in its words.

A motley crew of misfits
Each bearing their own weight
Liars, cheaters, bandits
Stuck in a stalemate

Misunderstood and broken
Sojourners on long roads
Free, but also captives
Searching for a home

Anywhere they look
Everywhere they roam
People stare
Seem not to care
Pretend that they are not there
Ignore the reaching souls

     This Lent, I want us to work on loving those around us. "What if we don't have people to love," you ask? Ah, my friend, there is always someone to love. If you are not around family or friends then find an individual and give them a smile and compliment. It is not necessarily the one who may look like they need love. For they may be the beautiful girl with a smile always on her face or the boy who seems like he has got it all together. 

     In celebration of the love that Christ blesses us with each day, even though we are unworthy, I think that we should think of one thing we are grateful for every day this new week. I will be doing this with you all:) 

     Let us also remember the sacrifice and Passion of Our Lord. For without Him, we would not have the hope and promise of Heaven. May we take the time to offer up big and small disappointments and trials throughout our lives. May we give back the love He has given us times a million. 




  1. Interesting. I never knew Lent meant "spring." But, I guess it makes sense considering lent occurs during spring. Another great post!


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