
Showing posts from May, 2018


You must possess courage for both.  Whaaat?! You say. Yes. It's true. If you are in an abusive relationship (whether that be psychologically or physically) then you need to Forget Everything And Run (to get help). It takes nothing to join the crowd, but it takes everything to stand alone. If you are being teased or hurt then you need to Face Everything And Rise.      It is hard to know what to do in certain situations. There are a few things that you can rely on and they are: God (#shockerlol), your intuition, and your gut-feeling. Intuition is the ability to understand something immediately, without the effort of conscious reasoning. Gut-feeling is an immediate feeling or reason without a logical rationale.  As you can see, intuition and g-f are similar, however,  g-f consciously uses your brain, while intuition is more similar to an instinct.  Do not. Empower. Your enemy. Ever. Fear can make something bigger than it really is; fear can create some

Little Lesson On Love

Word.      Love someone with a true, sacrificial love. Do not "I love you if" or "I love you because." No. Instead, love period. Love no matter what. It is okay to like certain characteristics and physical features of a person, but do not love them; love the soul, the heart. Characteristics and physical features change and fade over time, but the soul is everlasting.      If we do not love solely because they are made in God's image, if we shape them and make our habits their habits..... then we really are only loving the reflection of ourselves we see in them . When we love, we will challenge the other person to become a better-version-of-themself. Love is bold. Simultaneously, love can be hard to see: a small smile, an encouraging word, an act of kindness, letting another speak before you, etcetera. Love is simple. It is putting the other person's needs before your own. If we humble ourselves, we can become love experts. I was thirteen when I

Clarity and Simplicity: BFFs

       We have chosen and created clutter and congestion, which in turn breeds confusion. By creating these three C's in our lives, we have created them in our hearts. By admitting this we free ourselves. By doing this we empower ourselves to play a role in its recreation. We need to remember we have free will and we are in control of our actions- no matter what. Clutter, congestion, and confusion have become an accepted part of most people's lives. It does not have to be that way. We are not victims. "You are worried about so many things, but only one thing is necessary." (Luke 10:41)      Simplify your life. Simplify. Simplify! Simplicity is the way to clarity. Give the path of simplicity a chance in your life. We yearn for simplicity, but our lives have a habit of getting out of control, overwhelmed, and overcrowded. We complicate our lives for four main reasons: We don't know what we really want We don't have a clear sense of the purpose of

Life happens...

     Why are you anxious? Why do you worry? Less wrinkles are more becoming. Do not stop dreaming because you had a nightmare. You may be afraid of the future. You may also be afraid that the past will repeat itself. Never be a prisoner of your past; it was a lesson, not a life sentence. Nothing grows inside your comfort zone. So, if you are blaming God for not "allowing" or "helping" you grow- look to see where you are standing, and ask yourself if you are comfortable.      You might be sad because you have been through a lot. You may be anxious because you are afraid of what is to come. But you should be proud that you are strong enough to make it through. You may feel like dying or you may be sad because you are growing old. Please be glad you are alive. Some people do not have the privilege of breathing this air; growing old is a privilege some do not get.      Do not let your fear of what will happen- make nothing happen. You may not be a

Hold Your Temper Or Go Ahead and Tamper?

Imagine working these hours with the sun reveling in the sweat and exhaustion it caused you: Wed.  = 1:00 pm - 8:00 or 9:00 pm Thurs. = 8:00am - 9:00pm Fri. = 7:30am - 9:00-9:00pm Sat. = 8:00am - 10:00pm Sun. = 7:30am - 2:00pm (Don't worry. You'll get lunch breaks).       My back ached, my knees hurt, and my neck was sore. My nails, once long and painted, were now broken and brown dirt took refuge under them. I was working to ready my brother's house so it could be sold. In most of these hours, the sun beat down on me. It told me of its incredible heat. In the beginning, there was no shade. As time went on, though, my brother brought me an umbrella to hide under. He would continuously tell me to take a break. Sometimes I took him up on the offer; other times, I did not. Self-discipline was required for this. A lot of it.      Saint Paul writes, "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-