You must possess courage for both. Whaaat?! You say. Yes. It's true. If you are in an abusive relationship (whether that be psychologically or physically) then you need to Forget Everything And Run (to get help). It takes nothing to join the crowd, but it takes everything to stand alone. If you are being teased or hurt then you need to Face Everything And Rise. It is hard to know what to do in certain situations. There are a few things that you can rely on and they are: God (#shockerlol), your intuition, and your gut-feeling. Intuition is the ability to understand something immediately, without the effort of conscious reasoning. Gut-feeling is an immediate feeling or reason without a logical rationale. As you can see, intuition and g-f are similar, however, g-f consciously uses your brain, while intuition is more similar to an instinct. Do not. Empower. Your enemy. Ever. Fear can make something bigger than it r...