
You must possess courage for both. 

Whaaat?! You say.

Yes. It's true. If you are in an abusive relationship (whether that be psychologically or physically) then you need to Forget Everything And Run (to get help). It takes nothing to join the crowd, but it takes everything to stand alone. If you are being teased or hurt then you need to Face Everything And Rise.

     It is hard to know what to do in certain situations. There are a few things that you can rely on and they are: God (#shockerlol), your intuition, and your gut-feeling. Intuition is the ability to understand something immediately, without the effort of conscious reasoning. Gut-feeling is an immediate feeling or reason without a logical rationale. As you can see, intuition and g-f are similar, however, 
g-f consciously uses your brain, while intuition is more similar to an instinct. 

Do not. Empower. Your enemy. Ever. Fear can make something bigger than it really is; fear can create something out of nothing. Fear is a liar.

     I don't know about you all, but when I dance- I dance freestyle, by myself, and mostly in the rain. I don't like to dance in front of people because I am afraid. Why? Because I may make a mistake or I may slip or I may not being doing something "right," or I may be so elegant and ethereal that I will be watched. Closely. Notice: everything I said began with the words "I may." Fear is powerful only if you give it that power. 

    Just the other day, I was at a formal. I love to dance (it I one of my favorite things...that and singing have tied:). I love to swing, waltz, and do the little I know of jazz and ballet. Dancing is a sort of freedom for me. (#whoagrees?) Anyway, I was at the formal and there was a good amount of freestyle dance music playing. To be honest, I sat out on a few because of those fears.😔 However, a great friend of mine told me that no one was going to be watching (inside my head, I followed that up with a "because they will be to busy paying attention rot themselves to notice"). For the most part, that's true.😅 People think that they are being scrutinized everywhere they go. In reality, those "scrutinizers" are scrutinizing themselves because they don't want to be scrutinized by you! #whatamouthful. I actually sighed deeply after typing that sentence.😊

..... In case you're wondering, I did end up freestyle dancing. I'm grateful I did! I enjoyed myself a lot more! It took courage. I had to swallow my pride and live a little. (I'm 75% planner and 25% spontaneity😉). This is why I leave room for it:

"No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life, gained to a routine that has killed your dreams." - Maya Mendoza.

Borrow God's strength. Make it your own. I understand it is hard to face the inner demons. 

You are a survivor. You are a thriver. You are a warrior.

Do not let someone who feels inadequate when they compare themselves to you define who you are because of their insecurities. 

     It is okay to be scared. You cannot have courage without fear. Sometimes the fear will not go away, so you will have to do it afraid. If you're afraid it means you are about to do something brave. If you are afraid, this is an indicator of what you must do. It will be hard; nothing grows in comfort zones. If there is no grit- there is no pearl. 



What do you find more important than fear? What will you let be less important than fear? You are in control of where you draw the line. Take time to sort this out. Do not figure it out in one day. As the old saying goes "Rome was not built in a day." Doing something too quickly can cheapen the outcome. Take your time, but do not use it as an excuse for indecision.

Where to start? You ask. How will I find this courage? How will I draw the line? Well, in order to find courage and where to draw the line... you need to love the beautiful, broken, messy, neat, clumsy, nerdy, ignorant, small, large, tall, short you.

How will you set boundaries 
if you believe 
no one will appreciate 
or love you 
for them? 

How will you find 
your core values,* strength, and courage
if you believe 
that you
are completely 
and unworthy
of possessing them?

 *the title is named "Core-age" because I'm trying to possess it in all situations #smiles


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