Time for Some Fun!
Sometimes you need to take a break, right? It is essential to laugh! For one, you'll breathe easier. “Ninety percent of laughs involve deep exhalations,” says Dr. Dacher Keltner. “When you exhale, your heart rate and blood pressure go down and you enter a calmer state. This effect may very well be the reason you feel a sense of relief from laughing.” You'll bond better. "Partners who tell kind, lighthearted jokes and share laughter to defuse tension, tend to have better marriages," says Dr. John Gottman. "It could be as easy as establishing a word or phrase that’s funny (and random) enough to automatically end any argument – like “pork chop!” You'll beat stress. Just the anticipation of laughing decreases the stress hormones dopac, cortisol, and epinephrine by 38, 39, and 70 percent respectively, according to researchers in California. And when researchers at the University of Maryland showed short movie clips to study participants, those...