Kings & Queens

If you ever doubt your worth, 
If you ever feel ashamed
Know that the Most Perfect of all sacrificed
His life so you- He could reclaim.

watch this before continuing to read.

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     Even though you are worth so much more than a $20 bill, we will use it as our example. In the video, you saw a man crumple the bill and even step on it; still, however, it was worth the same amount after such things were down to it. It did not lose its value. Nor can you. No matter what happens- if you are/were a victim, spat upon, laughed at, ridiculed, criticized, shamed, ostracized, or if you have made terrible mistakes- you are still worth the same amount as before.

     You may be a victim of another... or yourself. You may feel dirty, ashamed, vulnerable, scared, broken, flawed, scarred etc. We must allow ourselves to feel and go through these whirlwinds, but that is not all we must do. We must snatch the storm by its neck and twirl it around and around, catching all the thoughts and feelings of doubt and worthlessness, and fling it into infinity.  

     No one, no matter what happens to you, can take away your worth unless you allow them to. Whether that be with acquiescence or not... you are the only one who is capable to choose to give your self-respect away. It is not something that can be taken, but given. 

Here are 16 ways to help your self worth:

  • Learn to say no
  • Walk tall and proud
  • Learn a new skill
  • Speak up for yourself
  • Take pride in your appearance
  • Focus on your strengths
  • Allow your weakness to help you grow
  • Reward your success
  • Help others
  • Face your fears
  • Do something for yourself ever day
  • Read the Bible and good, productive books
  • Spend time with those who care about you
  • Be grateful 
  • Tell yourself "I love you" every single day

     To reference the first picture... one of the definitions of noble is "of superior or excellent quality." God died for those who are noble; and He died for us all. This means we are all nobility. 

     Lastly, I would like to share something... We all have a little bit of "I want to save the world" in ourselves. But I want you to know it's okay to save just one person; and it is perfectly okay if that one person is you. 



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