Courage and Chances

"What's your heart telling you to do?" Said Jamie.
"I don't know," Landon admitted.
"Maybe, you're trying too hard to hear it.” 
― Nicholas Sparks, A Walk to Remember

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     We should try to differentiate what the heart says vs the mind. Some psychologists today say to take into account the risk factors and act with the mind, not the heart. They continue to relay that in certain situations one may act with the heart and regret it later on, once all of the consequences reveal themselves. However, I dare to counter-argue that. 

     Wait one moment. I am not saying that all people should act with only the heart at all times. What I am saying is that the heart must act in accord with the mind. Most of the time, there needs to be a balance of the heart and the mind, the desires and the reasons, the wishes and the effects. Sometimes, though, a Leap of Faith is required. One must use the heart to do this because the heart can go places that the mind cannot...

(Woah. I like that... gonna write that one down:)

     There are times when you need to close your eyes and inhale the strength to shut out those voices screaming that you're not good enough or that it will never work. There are times when you need to look challenge in the eye and say "I will not allow you to rob me of the happiness I am meant to have." Times will come when all you can do is hold out your hand, hoping for someone to grasp it. Times will come that require the strength and prudence to cast away the thoughts that strangle and stifle what is meant to be. In those times, we must use the heart as our wings; we must let it lift us beyond reason and comprehension and allow it to guide us to guiltless bliss. 

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The Bridge

J. N. Cloutier

The path is strewn with broken lives
From the present and the past
Warned by friend and foe alike
You keep your heart in a cast

Walk amongst the decayed dreams
Of honour, adventure, and love
Hear the eerie orisons
Of the wraith-like doves

Some put their own beliefs
Into another's mold
Victims of impersonated Samaritans
Are reticent, no longer bold

When the time came
For them to make a choice
They mutely acquiesced
The right to their voice

Dare to exist 
Amidst the inimical stares
Become an exemplar
An unwavering flare

Desquamate the camouflage
Show the uniqueness within
Chase forgotten ambitions
Reclaim your right to live

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     Be your own kind of beautiful. Your heart may be shattered and bruised, but it needs pure love. Take time to heal; it is important. But do not allow a situation that left you feeling used and dirty steal the very joy that keeps us alive. Just because they denied you love, it does not mean you have to deny yourself love. Take risks. Be bold. Be daring. Be careful. Be you. 




  1. You have beautiful thoughts, it was very nice to read this.


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