Becoming Complete

We have a problem.

What problem, you ask?

Well, continue reading and you will find out.

     You see, we all feel a deep ache inside. We are missing something and we know it. Sometimes this hole is like a cloud, burdened with rain. Other times it is like an ever-present wet blanket: uncomfortable, but almost unnoticeable.

     We claim that we do all we can to reach out and grasp the One who will fill it, but are we really trying our hardest? If your child, friend, spouse, brother, sister, mother, or father was dying and the only thing you could do was make a tea from a flower... how hard would you try to get it?

Wait. Just wait.

Before you blurt out "of course I would try my hardest," let me proceed with the story...

     You are told that there is only way to heal the one you love. Immediately, you ask the doctor to tell you what it is. They stammer that it is not safe, the consequences are permanent, the chances are far too risky... You firm your chin, bite back the tears, and quietly demand them to reveal their thoughts.

     They tell you that the flower to make the tea that will save their life is located in Oymyakon, Russia (average temperature is -58 degrees). "How the flower survives in that weather is a mystery," they drag out. Nodding your head, you encourage them to continue. They tell you that there are ruffians that group together in that place; they torture anyone who draws near to their camp.

Still up for the challenge?

     By the time you get in your car to drive home, you are overwhelmed by the information. By the time you actually arrive home, you frantically begin to pack your bags. The only things you know are the following:

  • Oymyakon, Russia is freezing 
  • You will likely die because one cannot survive there for the time you need to get the flower
  • IF you happen to reach Oymyakon, Russia- there is a high probability that you will be killed by the ruffians

Will you still do this for the one you love?

Will you risk your very life for them?

Will you try your very hardest to accomplish this task?

     If you answered "yes" to these- then why will you not say yes to something far greater? Say yes to Him; He is waiting...

Look closely...

What do you see?

Better yet, what do you not see?

     I do not see a handle for Him to enter in. How will he be let in then? If He is the skeleton key that opens all doors, how can He not enter? There must be a lock only on the inside... How do we open the door? This is how: He gives us Himself, the key to all doors, so we can open our hearts to Him by using Him. He will not force it open. No... He wants to be loved the way we desire love. He wants to be loved freely, honestly, and openly. 

     Do we fear going to Christ Himself? If so, let us go to His mother, Mary. Some people claim to not need Mary; they say that we can go to Christ directly. Although true, guess what?

Christ did not come directly to us.
     No; He did not. He came to us through a simple girl, an obedient girl, and open girl. If we allow ourselves to be like Mary, imagine the good He can do through us? Philippians 1:6 is a very comforting verse. It promises this: "He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion until the day of Christ." Colossians 3:3 states, "for you have died, and your life is now hidden in Christ." Imagine that... 

What will you do now?

What steps will you take to become whole?

Thank you to Fr. Lucas Rossi
who allows the Holy Spirit
to speak through him in his homilies. 

And, as always,
Omnia Majoram ad Dei Glorium


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