Musings & Reflections...

Word. How often do we speak the truth and feel the need to defend ourselves? I, for one, do it often. It is as if fear whispers that truth is overrated so I must have a good defense case.
Next time you speak the truth, do not defend yourself (unless absolutely necessary). God knows your heart, and the truth for that matter. Do not worry...

"...we would either take charge or stop the whole process." Do these words awaken an awe-filled feeling within you? They awaken it it me, I know that for certain. Something incredible must be taking place- so amazing that we would either be bold (and prideful) and try to work it out on our own or fear would consume us... Not the kind of fear that comes at night when you're alone and hear scary noises... but the fear that we will become something so amazing that we will need to depend on Someone Else to help us. We seem to fear dependency.

If we are honest with ourselves, which we always should be, we need to realize that we will experience temptations for the rest of our lives. Some may wonder why God allows temptations... Well, it is the consequence of Original Sin. Now, temptation does not make us better humans. No; rather, resisting temptations make us better individuals. 

Sometimes, laying down one's life for another does not require a grand gesture. At times, only a small sacrifice is all that is needed...
How can you lay down your life for another today?

St. Padre Pio adds to the saying of St. Poemen by this quote. Not only is a small sacrifice laying down one's life for another, but it can be done "in darkness." What he means by this is that it does not have to be a displayed effort. We can sacrifice something for another while keeping it "hidden," by not telling them what we did. We can gain more grace by doing so. If we parade out sacrifices in front of others, what do we gain but pride.

Oftentimes, we think that emotion has to be felt during prayer. If not, we will not get what we want/desire/need etc. or we did not pray hard enough. In The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis, Screwtape tells Wormwood, "Teach them to estimate the value of each prayer by their success in producing the desired feeling." (emphasis mine)
The Devil desires us to feel during prayer. He wants us to feel like failures if we do not feel. 
The Devil is playing with our emotions. How and when did we let him come into our very soul? 

We need Mary. Period. 

How come we think purity is out-dated?

Really. Think about this.

This is not just a read-it-once-and-continue-without-letting-it-sink-in kind of question. I actually want you to think of this.

Once you are done, continue to read the following...

Why do we display our beautiful bodies to those who will use it for their own satisfaction? Is it because momentary pleasures are worth more to us than our very souls? Is it because we feel special... wanted? 
Why do we believe that this "appreciation" for our bodies is real?
Is it because we believe ourselves to be so hurt, broken, and beyond repair that we think we are not worth saving?
If so, read this... and believe. 

God's love endures forever (Psalm 136:26).
God will continue to love me- no matter what I do (Romans 5:8).
Nothing nothing can separate me from the love of Christ (Romans 38-39).

Read this slowly. For me, it took a few reads to understand. Even after that, I still have much to learn...



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