
Showing posts from April, 2018


Wild’s Soft Persistency Amidst the summer haze, A chestnut, lone horse stands. Patiently, we wait, Until he can be saddle-broken. Yet, this horse has a spirit. Will that ever be tamed? He holds his head up high. In the slight breeze, flows his mane. Although he seems secure, He really is alone. Why can’t we understand, How much that he has grown? In body and his spirit, He has been through much. For him, it feels like everything. He doesn’t have his mother’s touch. A whinny reaches his ears. He lifts his slender head; He is about to respond, But, should he wait instead? No, he cannot wait. Mightily, he bellows. Sadly, he gets no reply; So, he returns to the shadows. His magnificence is still there. He is waiting for a chance to show, That he really can do better. But, we do not know. It has taken so much time, To try to break his spirit. Yet, the chances are so slim; He is no way near it. He’s p

Are You An Authentic You?

(A pic I drew in Adoration on 09/30/16)         Who are You? Sometimes, I think I have an idea of who you are. But, just when I am beginning to understand Your greatness with my little brain and grasp Your goodness in my weak hands, You have to go and do something unfathomable. I stare at You now and feel close to You. However, at the same time, I feel a thousand light-years away. Here I am; in Your presence. Sometimes I look at You but do not see You.  I desired the desire to know You. Now that I have it, why hide Yourself from me?      I want to tell the world of Your love. How can I do so when I have so little wisdom? Give me the wisdom. I desire to know You more. I want us to be the best of friends. Help me distinguish Your voice from mine. I want to wake up and feel You, go to sleep and still feel You. I need You to oxygenate my lungs. Burn me as a torch so others may come to know and feel Your love. Let me be a light among the darkness. For You. A light to lead other

Things Inside My Heart...

My Muted Misery Ah, bittersweet memories, Alas! The years gone by! Numbness is welcomed; pain is a friend. I have cried all I could cry. Empty, broken, dead inside. A flower: wilted, dried. A smell, a song, a certain voice- All over again, I say goodbye. Weathered and worn. Stretched and torn. At my limit- yea! I cannot stop. I cannot break. Alas, I'm needed by they. Dried eyed, Live another day. Time's passed; time's gone. Move on: the only way. Pain so deep, Numbing within, Squeezing out the life. I walk on; there's no win. Either way, it's strife. Live without and just pretend, Yet, it can be felt. Live with it, always there. Yea- Life's cards are still dealt. Bittersweet memories, Come calling again. Ach! The years gone by. A dried out well, a tree decaying from inside. No one sees, No one knows, The things under my skin. Masks, charades, costume parties. Empty f

Which Will You Choose: Depression Or Progression?

There are five criteria for a psychological disorder. #1 Clinical significance      a. Behavior of person involves  a measurable degree of impairment.      b. Behavior of person must have diagnostic validity.           (predict the person's future or future responses to treatment) #2 Behavior of person reflects a dysfunction in psychological or developmental processes. #3 Behavior of person is usually is associated with significant distress or disability in important realms of life. #4 The individual's behavior cannot be socially "deviant" as defined in terms of religion, politics, or sexuality. #5 Conflicts reflect a dysfunction within the individual. However defined, we can best conceptualize abnormal behavior from multiple perspectives that incorporate biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors. Biological causes 1. Genetic 2. Environmental 3. Brain damage 4. Exposure to harmful substances (allergens) Psy

The Dance of You and God

Know More - Jo Cloutier So, this is a song I wrote yesterday...It's called "Know More." (Actually, during the recording, I felt an ant climb on me, and it was disgusting because it was  on my neck.  I did not freak out outwardly bc of the recording, but inwardly- I was thinking "Why is there a stupid ant in a tree?!") This is a letter I wrote on 02/19/18 as if God were telling me this. He is telling  you  this. Read as if He were  on His knees  in front of you with clasped hands and a tear-stained face. Beloved child, the joy of My  existence ,  I ask one more thing of you.  Try to see yourself the way I, see you.  You are  beyond  any fathomable explanation.  Hear My voice- My  plea , I beg you, and  believe!  What more am I to do? What will it take of Me?  What will it take for  you  to accept these words into your broken, beautiful heart?  I will do  anything  so you can believe that you are  priceless  to Me.  I am willing

Friendship Or ForNowship?

Would you rather be a great friend or be known as a great friend? The word "friend" means: a person whom one knows, likes, and trusts, a person with whom another is a comrade in a struggle, and a person who sympathizes and supports. The relationship between Latin amīcus, "friend," and amō, "I love," is clear, as is the relationship between Greek Philos, "friend," and phileō, "I love." In English, though, we have to go back a millennium before we see the verb that we can easily connect to a friend. Frēond, the Old English source of a Modern English friend, is related to the Old English verb frēon, "to love, like, honor, set free (from slavery or confinement)." Specifically, frēond comes from the present participle of the Germanic ancestor of Old English frēon and thus originally meant "one who loves." The Germanic root of frēond and frēon is *frī-, which meant "to like, love, be friendly to." Closely

Who Does He Say You Are?

(Left: my eldest brother and I, 10 yrs old, when I went to MT for the first time; we were looking for waterfalls amidst the MT mountains) (Below: the most recent trip to MT) Here is a poem I composed on 05-25-17 in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Be Come, I say. Follow Me. If you do, You will have joy and peace. You do not have to talk. Do not worry if, at first, you do not hear. I want to see you. I want you here. Come and relax. Come; seek Me. All that I ask, Is for you to just be . Reflection: For me, it is sometimes hard to realize that God wants to literally just be with me. With you! Imagine the God who decided where to put constellations and what color for each ocean, lake, river, stream, brook, and even a pond- He wants to just watch you! Us! Watch us exist. He is content to watch us breathe.  He is immensely in love with us. Some people of other faiths may believe that God is only in love with those of the Catholic faith. No. Not at all. God

Convenient "Trust" Or Real Trust?

I do not know who is familiar with this book, but it is a great one!  It's called: 33 Days to Merciful Love by Fr. Michael E. Gaitley, MIC. Here's a link to it: I do not know the exact wording of it, but one of my favorite quotes in this book goes something like this: When you say things like, "If I get to Heaven" it hurts My Heart. It is as if you do not believe in My abundant Mercy. Today, I went to Mass at St. Dorothy's. Fr. Miller (one of my favorite priests) talked with my family and I after Mass. He said something that really stood out to me: "It is better to work with someone who hates than someone who is lukewarm." This is true because if you are trying to help someone who is apathetic/lukewarm- they won't care. Yet, if you are trying to assist someone who hates- you can work with hate. God will use their pain, and He will transform it into inspiration. Jesus desires t

Failures Or Lessons?

              Many individuals talk to themselves with a negative attitude. We tell ourselves we cannot do something so we do not disappoint ourselves when/if we fail. We live our lives afraid of failure. We have this unhealthy mindset that we are destined to fail. But we are not! IT IS OKAY TO FAIL! What? What is she saying?! What does she mean "It's okay to fail?" What I mean is this: Failure is a part of success. It is proof that you are trying. Like Thomas Edison said, "I have not failed; I have found 10,000 ways that do not work." Winston Churchill said, "Success is stumbling from failure to failure without any less enthusiasm." Failure is not falling down, but refusing to get up. Do not feel pressured to get up right away. Do not stay down for too long or you will come to use the excuse of "Can't you just love me for who I am? I am trying! Can't you see that? Why do you want me to get up right now? I need to learn!"