Who Does He Say You Are?

(Left: my eldest brother and I, 10 yrs old, when I went to MT for the first time; we were looking for waterfalls amidst the MT mountains) (Below: the most recent trip to MT)

Here is a poem I composed on 05-25-17 in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:

Come, I say.
Follow Me.
If you do,
You will have joy and peace.

You do not have to talk.
Do not worry if, at first, you do not hear.
I want to see you.
I want you here.

Come and relax.
Come; seek Me.
All that I ask,
Is for you to just be.

Reflection: For me, it is sometimes hard to realize that God wants to literally just be with me. With you! Imagine the God who decided where to put constellations and what color for each ocean, lake, river, stream, brook, and even a pond- He wants to just watch you! Us! Watch us exist. He is content to watch us breathe. He is immensely in love with us. Some people of other faiths may believe that God is only in love with those of the Catholic faith. No. Not at all. God is in love with the Buddist. God is in love with the Agnostic. He is in love with the Atheist, Muslim, and the homeless man (Galatians 3:28). He does not want us to stay where we are, but He understands that things take time. Things like trust, relationships, and real love to develop. He wants so much more for us; we cannot even fathom His love. This blog does not do His love ANY justice. Whatsoever. At all.

(Above: St. Mary's Lake, Montana; that was the first time I had been to MT)

We pronounce the word "YHWH" like this: Yahweh. People back then believed God's name was to sacred to be said, so they removed the vowels. There are two root words for YHWH, and they are "hayah" and "yau." The first means "always was, is, and will be." The second means "a personal God." When God gave Himself a name, He said "YHWH," which translates to "I Am Who Am."

There are Divine Attributes to God. He is: eternal, simple, infinitely perfect, infinitely good, infinitely wise.

Eternal: He is the perfect possession of the plentitude of life. Because He does not change, He is eternal. He transcends time, He is beyond time.

Simple: because He is not complex. He is not like any other God. We categorize things. A daisy is in the flower group. A tomato is in the vegetable group (depending on how you look at it. I still call it a fruit...). We cannot categorize God, though, because there is no being comparable to Him. Analogies are the fundamental ways the Church uses to describe God. Analogies are not capable of capturing the essence and goodness of God/who He is and what He possesses. There are two types of theology: positive theology (which is who we know God is because of revelation) and negative theology (which is what we know God is not).

Infinitely perfect: He is not limited by our imperfections. People can be good, but we have our limit. Humans are the physical embodiment of God with limited perfection.

Infinitely good: something good for us involves development, but because He never changes- He is all good, infinitely good.

Infinitely wise: Wisdom is not knowledge. It's not! Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit and wisdom is knowing to not put it in a fruit salad. Possessing wisdom is being capable of sharing and communicating the knowledge of something with others. He is infinitely wise because He knows everything that has happened, is happening and will happen. He is capable of sharing His wisdom with others because He can govern, guide, direct, and order all things.

Questions: who do you say God is? What do you think of Him? Moreover, what do you think He thinks about you?

(Below: I took this one in our woods; it reminds me that God can be so great in building mountains, and still take time to intricately design something some individuals may consider insignificant: a spiderweb.)

Reflection: He says you are His. Fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). You are His child (John 1:12). Our old selves were crucified with Him (Romans 6:6). While we were still sinners, He decided He would STILL die for us; He knew we would continue to sin, yet He did it anyway(Romans 5:8). We are chosen by Him (1 Peter 2:9).

I have so much more to say, but I will save some for another post lol!
I hope you've enjoyed this one! Blessings!


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