Failures Or Lessons?


        Many individuals talk to themselves with a negative attitude. We tell ourselves we cannot do something so we do not disappoint ourselves when/if we fail. We live our lives afraid of failure. We have this unhealthy mindset that we are destined to fail. But we are not!


What? What is she saying?! What does she mean "It's okay to fail?"

What I mean is this: Failure is a part of success. It is proof that you are trying. Like Thomas Edison said, "I have not failed; I have found 10,000 ways that do not work." Winston Churchill said, "Success is stumbling from failure to failure without any less enthusiasm."

Failure is not falling down, but refusing to get up. Do not feel pressured to get up right away. Do not stay down for too long or you will come to use the excuse of "Can't you just love me for who I am? I am trying! Can't you see that? Why do you want me to get up right now? I need to learn!" You do. You need to learn. But if you cannot see things from where you are- you need to get up and see them from a new point of view. When you do what you have only ever done- you will only get what you have ever gotten.

Yeah. Read that one again.

Everyone fails at some point because we are not perfect. If you learn from your failure, it is not defeat; it is a lesson. When a lesson is taught- the only way you may fail the test is if you do not listen and pay attention. I do not believe it is healthy to dive into something with a mindset that you will probably fail. It breeds despair and apathy. Well, I'm gonna fail. So, why even try? Once we think that we should not even try to do something, we may become apathetic. This, in turn, births loneliness.

Speaking of apathy and loneliness...

Another inspiring quote is written by one of my favorite poets of all time: Atticus Mortimus. He says something to the gist of this: I believe we stay in our loneliness because we know what to expect; we know what we are in for and there will be nothing that surprises us. We are comfortable, so we do not move.

Wow. Shocker. Do you realize yourself doing that? If so, why? Try to motivate yourself to climb out of that selfish vortex of pain. First, though, pray for that desire to move. Pray for the desire to want to be motivated. If you cannot find that you want to change, PRAY FOR IT! This is not to say you will suddenly feel motivated and do great things right away. No. But it is not to say that you won't either. Have a positive mindset! When you succeed, thank God for it! (give yourself a pat on the back too lol) Those who failed miserably are normally the ones who see God's great success through them in a way like never before. Never let success get to your head, and never let failure get to your heart.

Questions to ask yourself: When was the last time I told myself "I love you?"
When was the last time I did something nice for myself?
Do I respect myself the way I respect others?
When was the last time I told myself "I CAN do this?"
Do I allow myself to spread my wings? Or do I confine myself by the derogatory thoughts of "I can't?"
Am I proud of who I am?


  1. Jo,

    This truly deserves a double or even triple read. It's so true and inspiring! May God bless you and this blog! I pray that your blog moves, touches, inspires, and motivates people in the ways you want it to!

    God bless!

  2. Thank you, Noah :) I hope it does too! To quote my favorite Irish blessing: May you live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live.

    Peace, JoJo


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