Where Do You Find Hopiness?

        On Easter, my family from near the coast and PA came over. My brother is into photography and his wife has her own business. Nick taught me how to slow the shutter speed on my camera to remain open for 30 seconds. What happened: because it was night, there was almost no light coming from anywhere. In turn, the camera caught all light that appeared in front of it and made it into a picture format. My reaction was: No way! So, basically, it records all light and transforms it into a photo? Crazy awesomesauceumness!

        Reflection: Am I happy? No. I don't mean the "of course! I have a good job, school year, friends, family, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc." I mean the "I am so filled with something so unexplainable the only way I can CONTAIN it is to SHARE it." Well, that's an oxymoron; I love those.

        Do you feel something is missing from your life? Do feel like you try so hard to find your purpose but for some reason, you cannot? Although it is a little cliche, hold on. If you doubt and give up on something then you are disappointed, right? Right. So, when the thing actually happens (or does not), you are even more disappointed because you cannot help that you did have a little bit of hope that wasn't squelched. It is in our nature to hope. God gives us this beautiful gift; He means it in an intimate way. He wants us to cling so tightly to it that we find we cannot live without it. Just like a husband holds his wife, protects her, and keeps her in his heart when he is away- God desires us to grasp hope in our hands and never give it away.

        Where do you find hope? Where do you find happiness?

(btw- the title of the blog is not miss-spelled. I purposely combined the words "hope" and "happiness" into one...)

        This is an important question to ask yourself. Why you ask? Because you want to find the place so you can be in it more often. Ask yourself why you find it in that place. For me, I find hope and happiness in nature or when I am with one of my friends #youknowwhoyouarelol. Another major place where I find these things is in my church. I go to the very front and sit or kneel, staring at the Blessed Sacrament. The peace, love, hope, and happiness I feel is really...unexplainable. It is something so rare and breathtaking that I never want to enter my "other" world again.

Post your comments! I cannot wait to hear your answers! Also, I want to know what you want to read about. It does not mean that I will post on EVERYTHING, but I'll pick the good ones lol



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hey,

      Awesome post.

      I find happiness in sooooo many different places. From receiving Our Lord to actually laughing at a lame joke. Some of the best moments include hanging out and laughing with friends, being plain silly, playing and singing with the ukulele, and listening to fun, motivational, and up-beat music.

      I find hope and happiness when I do my penance from confession. Such a wonderful, peaceful, and hopeful feeling. Knowing God will always forgive the repentant sinner is such a hopeful and wonderful thought. Peace. Happiness. Hope. God is so good!

      Great posts ! Keep it up! :)

      God Bless!

  2. Thank you! Have any ideas for more?

  3. Yes! Here are a few ideas:

    How you balance God, family, and school as a high schooler.
    A short story that you've written with an explanation. (I don't actually know if you have one, but something tells me you do. And something else tells me that it will have a deep and/or moving meaning)
    Maybe a post just presenting your poems and/or their meanings.
    How/when/where/why you write your poetry. What influences you to write what you write about.

    Just a few ideas. :)

    God Bless!
    Noah Rivas

    1. Noah,

      Hey, I asked for it lol Thank you! I'll post on something in your comment today probably!!

      Peace, JoJo


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